Electrical Solutions Plus


1450 Fifty Lakes Dr, Unit C, Southport, NC 28461

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Why Choose Electrical Solutions Plus for Your Whole House Generator?


Michael Ellis has over 26 years of residential, commercial, and industrial electrical experience. Electrical Solutions Plus brings whole house generator solutions to your home or workplace as well as full-service home and commercial electrician service.

Michael Ellis received his North Carolina electrical contractors license in 1993. He attended Fayetteville Technical Community College (1988 to 1990) in the electrical engineering field.

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Family-Owned, Locally Operated

We are a family-owned and locally operated electrical contractor in Brunswick County. Michael and his wife Teresa understand how hurricanes along North Carolina’s coast pose the potential for property loss, inconvenience, and worse during the hurricane season. We are here to keep the lights, refrigeration, air conditioning, and more on when the power goes out on you and your family.

We are part of Generac’s SELECT dealer network who sell, install, service, and maintain Generac standby and portable generators. Generac SELECT dealers meet the associated requirements for qualified staff of factory-trained service technicians and carry an ample parts inventory, so you can keep things running even when the street power goes dark.

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#1 Selling Brand of Home Backup Generators

Electrical Solutions Plus installs the number one selling brand of home backup generators. Generac home backup generator installations protect your home automatically. When the power goes out, they turn on!

It runs on natural gas or liquid propane (LP) fuel and sits outside just like a central air conditioning unit.

A home backup generator from Electrical Solutions Plus in Southport, NC delivers power directly to your home’s electrical system, backing up your entire home or just the most essential items. We proudly install home generators in Wilmington, NC; Southport, NC; Leland, NC; Shallotte, NC; Supply, NC; Oak Island, NC; and the surrounding communities.

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Backup Electrical Generators Provide Peace of Mind

Being prepared for the harsh coastal Carolina storm seasons we experience from Wilmington, NC to Southport, NC means having enough water, food, and an alternative method to allow you and your family to keep food storage freezers and refrigerators running, water pumps working, and your family comfortable. This includes your whole house air conditioning systems and lights remaining fully functional. When disaster hits, call Electrical Solutions Plus to know your family and home or business is safe with our reliable whole house standby power solutions from Generac.

Give Us a Call Today (910) 351-0112

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How to Get Your Whole House Electrical Generator

Call and schedule a site visit for a free estimate. We will research your property and calculate how much electrical energy your home routinely uses. Based on our site work calculations, we will recommend which Generac home generator unit to install for your home or business to best serve your budget and electrical needs.

As a Generac SELECT home generator dealer, we sell, install, service, and maintain electrical standby and portable generators. Generac SELECT dealers meet the requirements for qualified staff of factory-trained service technicians and carry an ample parts inventory to allow for fast on-time service.

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